Here is a selection of the most frequent questions we are asked. If you have any others, please contact us.

A Few Questions

We guessed that you would have a few questions. We've compiled a number of the most common queries we receive. If you still have questions, please drop us an email.

  • Who Are You?

    Having worked in major financial districts of many cities, we wanted to create a platform which would educate workers in these areas of the vast number of businesses which they have probably walked past a thousand times and never tried. From the independent coffee shop to the new gym or restaurant just around the corner, we wanted to help these businesses whilst giving workers the opportunity to try something new and save at the same time.

  • Nice site...but what do you do?

    Square Privé allows professionals in the Square Mile to receive offers, promotions and exclusive launches and information from all types of business in the vicinity of their workplace. With a background in luxury marketing, our team ensure all communications are limited, stylish and relevant.

  • Why register through my Company?

    To allow you to receive promotions, offers and information from appropriate companies, it is critical that our registrants work in the specific geographic area. The integrity of our registrant information is critical to the success of the business and this is why we ask that you register through your company.

  • Why my work postcode?

    We ask for a work postcode so that the offers can be tailored to the locality of your office. There is nothing worse than receiving deals that are on the other side of the Square Mile.

  • What do we receive?

    We decided from the outset that we would not discriminate on the type or size of business that provide you with exclusive launches, information or offers. Therefore our service will include a beautiful mix of the most recognised brands through to the independent coffee shop or boutique restaurant.

  • What kind of offers do we receive?

    One could be a discount at your favourite coffee shop, product launch a sale preview, discount gym membership or drinks after work. One thing is assured, the quality of each communication is simply unrivalled.

  • What data do you hold on me (GDPR)?

    Our business is built on trust and our assurance that we only store your email address and work postcode for the purpose of sending you a maximum of two emails per week, geo-located to your work. We do not profile, sell or pass your data to any third party. Your support is our lifeblood and we are proud to say we were one of the first GDPR compliant companies in the Square Mile, London.


Exclusively connect to leading brands and venues in the Square Mile

Exclusive promotions, launches and offers for professionals working within the Square Mile.